
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Yankees heart Iced Coffee!

I want to let yall in on a little tip: you want to make a friend in NY, bring them iced coffee! These people can't get enough of the caffeine concoction. I believe it's the secret to Dunkin' Donuts success. You just thought it was the donuts but it's not so.
It's not as though I am not familiar with this drink, and would see some Starbucks customers drink it in the summer time in Texas. However, I never felt the need for it. If you know me, you know I don't drink calories, unless it's champagne. So the milky, sugary treat didn't appeal to me. However, I can say my thoughts have been swayed, a little bit, thanks to my friend Brian.
Side note: Brian and I teach together at Lyceum Kennedy and being that there are only four English teachers, we bonded immediately. He taught in Harlem public schools the last few years, so we have fun comparing public and private schools. I enjoy listening to his crazy stories about those schools. He also has a four month old named Miles, after Miles Davis, which I think is the cutest!
Anyway, I was giving Brian crap about New Yorkers obsession with iced coffee, so he zanged me with the question, "Have you ever tried iced coffee?" Ouch, he find the weak point in my argument. The next day, a little DD iced coffee awaited me. It was a pumpkin spice iced coffee and it was a yummy little taste of fall. Thank you to Brian for introducing me to this new facet of caffeine.

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